Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fun stuff

When Averie was about Brady's age we had NUMEROUS conversations along similar lines as the one below. She suddenly became fascinated with what happens after you die, and quite honestly, it started to freak me out! Her questions were very deep, like "when you die and Jesus comes to get you, can you feel his hand?" They were also questions I couldn't answer, and one day I got into a conversation about the "soul" and that just went downhill. Apparently she wasn't quite ready for that concept. Anyway, recently this was my talk with Brady:

Brady, "If you're dead, how do you get in a car?"
Me, "Why would you need to get in a car?"
Brady, "Well, how else do you get to heaven? You can't walk there!"
Averie, "God uses his powers and just takes you there, Brady, you don't take a car."

Well done, Averie, we'll go with that. :)

Our friends Sarah and Darren are expecting bambino number 3 in January, they are part of our life group. Also part of our life group are Matt and Meredith, who have a daughter (Zoe) from Ethiopia. I'm guessing this is where the following question came from: "Momma, I wonder if Miss Sarah's baby will be white...or brown?"

I've been so behind on this blog, I know there are many more to add. I'll try to think of some asap.

Monday, April 15, 2013


I know that before long, Brady will be saying things clearly and adult-like (it happened overnight with Averie!) So, here are a few cute things he says that I don't want to forget!

He always says crash can for trash can.

He says Lightning McQueen in a way I'm not sure I can put down in letters...I need to record it. It's something along the lines of mightming mcmwean.

Yesterday he was singing "This Old Man" and every time he said "give a dig a dog a bone." :)

I will be adding to this list periodically!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I like kids medium

Wow, I haven't been on here since September. Oops! And wow, I'm sure my kids have said only about a bazillion funny and insightful things. Actually, I KNOW I've had tons of things to post about Averie since she started school because I'm pretty sure she's already smarter than me. :)
But, since this is fresh, here is Brady's latest conversation with yours truly:

B-"I not wike Miss Heidi's anymo."
Me-"Why not? Do you not like the big people there?"
B-"No, I wike de big people....but I not wike kids who are very big or kids who are very wittle...I wike kids who are medium."

Translation: there aren't enough kids there my age, ha! Luckily, I have an AMAZING childcare provider who immediately let us switch to EVERY morning preschool, rather than twice a week, so he can have more time with his pre-k buds. Love!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Oh, my kids, my wonderful, crazy kids

It's been WAY too long since I've posted, but these two things can't be left off. I'll try to do better...I swear!

 Let's start with my crazy, hilarious little boy:
The other night Brady was refusing to brush his teeth while playing his Leapster. So, I took his Leapster and left our room. As I as leaving he yelled, "You bring that back here, or I'll take my pants off!!"
I thought did he say take his PANTS off? but continued to his room to put the game away. When I returned to his room he was attempting to pull his pants down over his night-time pull-up with a face full of determination.
I said, "Brady, you do not take your pants off!"
He got up on his knees, got really close to me and with a deathly glare and a sinister voice said, "Oh, I'll take them off."

I am really not sure why my punishment was going to be the removal of his pants, but I definitely had to leave the room to keep from laughing.

Now on to my smart, wonderful kindergartner:

While Keith was watching Survivor in our room, Averie came in and watched for a minute. She then said, "Are those real people camping?" Keith told her yes and she paused for a second and said, "So, this is a nonfiction tv show?"

Man, kindergarten teaches a lot more these days! Keith was amazed! :)

Love those kids of mine!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Once again forgotten

I always forget to publish the hilarious things my kids say! There are SO MANY! Here are a few of my favorites lately:

Averie has been riding to school with our friends across the street. One day they hit Walmart before school and Averie informed her friend Jack "less talking, more walking." Hmmm...wonder if she's heard that a time or two..

This morning Alyssa's husband took the kids to school instead of her and Averie informed him he needed to check with her mom before she could ride with him. :)

When Brady gets out of the car he likes for us to count and then he jumps. Well, now he makes us say "1, 2, 3, BOOK!" before he'll jump. Weirdo.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Things Brady has told me recently:
He read me Good Night Moon, it went like this "In the great great great room the cow jump over da moon...bears sat on chairs...THERE'S A DRAGON IN DIS BOOK!!! He scared dat bunny and ate all da mush. De end!"

"I not like daddy, he mean to me, de aliens take him to jail!"

Him-I fall down.
Me-oh you did? Where?
Him-off da roof.

Oh, Brady.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My kids

I am beginning to get my kids figured least a little bit. :) The older Brady gets, the more I'm seeing in his personality. He is SO creative. He amazes me daily. I have no doubt that he is going to be our jokester, and I've actually said this since he was pretty tiny. Well before he could talk and amuse me, he amused me with his facial expressions and his actions. When he was a baby and I was first starting to learn his personality, I was convinced Averie would be my "smart one" and Brady would be my "clown." Well, I am quickly coming to find that Brady is just as smart, he just uses his brains in a different way. Averie wants to know what everything is, how it works, where it comes from, etc. She needs DETAILS and she soaks them up like a sponge. It can actually be a little dangerous, because she is also a tad naive and believes most anything she hears. It is often hard to convince her that something she heard was WRONG, because once she learns something it just sticks. Now, Brady, he's a different cat. He learns, he soaks things up, but then he turns them around to 1. work to his advantage or 2. create a crazy story or 3. to decide you are WRONG, and make up his own version of facts. He DOESN'T just take what you say and believe it, and this is where he is like his daddy. While Keith doesn't necessarily take things and make up stories, or clown around like a crazy person, he DOES analyze things, and he NEVER takes things at face value. I like to think the clown/silly/try-to-make-people-laugh part of Brady comes from his momma (you can decide if that is true...ha!) Averie is like Keith in that, even though yes, she is silly as a 4-year old should be silly, I think she is going to be a more serious type. She is like me because she loves to read and play and TALK (sorry to my parents for my incessant car chatter, I am now seeing that it can, indeed, be tiresome), and learn! I hope that she will be a life-long learner like me. I could spend even more years in school, I just love it, and I think she is going to be like that too.
I'm really loving that my kids are becoming a wonderful blend of both of us, and whole little unique beings of just THEMSELVES. It is going to be SO fun to continue to watch these personalities shape and bloom as they get older.
Now, I realize none of that rambling consisted of "conversations with my kids" so let me toss one on here for good measure. We have an Encyclopedia of Animals that is for small children. At Brady's age it was Averie's FAVORITE book (thanks, Aunt Becky) and now it is Brady's. Averie learned every single animal and as many facts as she could about them. Here is my experience with Brady:
Pointing to the page with bright orange jelly fish, Brady says, "What are dose?"
Me, "Those are jelly fish."
Brady, "No day not!"
Me, "Yes, they are jelly fish, they swim in the water and are squishy."
Brady, "No, day NOT-dose punkins!"
And that was that. Then he flipped through the book until he came to a butterfly.
"Oooh," he gasped. "Once up on a time dere was a MEEAN butterfly!" (dramatic pause) "and he.....STOLE MY BLANKEY!" book slams shut.
Oh the humor that is in my future...and the trouble, I expect. :)